Chelsea church of Christ . . .
                                                                             undenominational Christianity
"At Chelsea, God is growing a family that loves one another and shares the good news of Jesus, in hope of a home in heaven."
Many people hesitate to visit a church until they know what to expect.  Perhaps you have said, "I'd like to visit that church sometime," but you have put it off because it's uncomfortable to visit a strange place, not knowing what to expect.  So, we'd like to introduce ourselves and set your mind at ease for when you do visit us. 

First, you will be our guest.  You will be greeted with kindness and courtesy.  Our assembly is not a display of emotion or excitement, but a simple and devout period of worship, patterned after the worship of the early New Testament church.  We think you'll be glad you came, and won't feel out of place at all.

You will hear Scriptures read and truths preached that perhaps you have not heard before, that is because we are compelled by the commands of Christ to preach
all the Gospel.  We preach this Gospel in love . . trusting that everyone present will evaluate it in the light of his or her own personal life and responsibility.  We will present to you God's plan of salvation and simple Bible teaching.

Now that you know us better, we hope you will join us at our next assembly to worship or study.

Bible Study 
9:30 am
Morning Worship
10:30 am
Evening Worship 
6:00 pm


Bible Study 
6:30 pm